Friday, November 30, 2012

DAY 1: All I want for Christmas...

...IS A FLOOFY TAIL!!!!!!!

Well, I hope the little lady understand she's more likely to get a Hippopotamus
 (Translation for Caitlin: Hikkapotomus)

However, she proceeded to show me the exact dimensions and floofage so that we could send the specs to Santa.  I like her little nub tail, but man, if she could get one that sparkles even I'd be jealous!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Countdown worth chasing Your Tail about..

Thank you Maddie the Coonhound for the inspiration.

I'm going to try something new for the holidays.

Things you should know:
1. I hate Christmas for what it has become
2. I love my dogs
3. I'm going to to try and rescue the holiday with our very own advent calendar, and dog-gone-it, my heart might just grow two sizes!

Here's your sneak peak of what's to come...

I promise there will be tinsel.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jump first, fear later.

And this is why I want a touring kayak - the ocean had 0 waterfalls.  Sharks I can handle (knife), but not waterfalls.

This is what tomorrow feels like.
New job, new office, new responsibilities, new boss.

I keep thinking that all I have to do is turn one corner, jump of one waterfall to feel the liberation that I crave to be free of past failures, losses, disappointments, break ups, bad decisions.
I hope for a freeing epiphany - I can reach enlightenment and move on with a clean slate.

But then the cliche sets in and you realize it's all of those experiences that make you who you are (vomit).

Tomorrow feels like a plunge into something new, but all revers run to the ocean.
Moday is registration for Ironman Arizona, woot!
Run camp starts in two weeks!
And it's going to full out snow any day now!!!